Laparoscopic Surgery


Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery

A laparoscopic surgery or "key hole" surgery is performed through very small incisions (ranging from 5 to 12 mm). These incisions leave very small scars or no scars at all. Instead of having one large vertical or horizontal scar of the traditional “open” surgery, the procedure is performed via three or four small incisions, thus the term “key hole” surgery, allowing for less internal and external scarring.

In addition to their cosmetic advantage laparoscopic procedures have been established to have better surgical outcomes in the form of decreased hospital stay, less blood loss, decreased risk of infection and less pain. Patients return home after a major laparoscopic procedure either the same day or the next morning. They usually return to regular activity within 2 weeks compared to the usual 6 weeks after open surgery.

Almost all gynecological conditions can be performed with laparoscopy, for example: removal of the uterus (laparoscopic hysterectomy), removal of uterine fibroids (laparoscopic myomectomy), removal of cysts on the ovaries (laparoscopic cystectomy), treatments of pregnancies outside the uterus, adhesions from previous surgeries, and vaginal vault prolapse (laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy).